Ready to be hired.

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  • See in real-time which talent is available
  • Make the first move with a direct message
  • Build a candidate shortlist in record time
Start finding talent
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Used by hundreds of growing companies

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10,000+ candidates ready to interview

Perfect the timing

See in real-time which talent is coming to the job market. Chat when the candidate is actually considering new opportunities.

Build quality connections

We have direct connection with each talent on the platform. No scraped profiles or resold lists.

Move at the speed of business

Reach out to talent directly with an instant message, delivered via our mobile app and push notifications.

How does it work

New candidates every hour

Extensive candidate profiles

Review work experience, skills, biggest achievements and more.

Salary expectations

Always see the salary expectation upfront.

Remote, hybrid, in-office

Over 90% of candidates are open to remote opportunities.

Tech and beyond

40% of candidates are looking for highly technical roles.

Start finding talent

Stop waiting for CVs.
Start pitching your company.

Get instant access to candidates

See all talent currently active on the job market, not only the ones that applied to your opening.

Make the first move

Control the first impression and make the case why the candidate should join your company.

Start interviewing in record time

Find all the talent you need in minutes. Get to a candidate shortlist in a matter of days.

10,000+ profiles

Wide selection of ready to interview candidates at all times.

200+ skills

Find everyone you need to grow your company.

72 hours

Average response time to interview requests.

Start finding talent

Access 10,000+ ready to interview candidates. Send unlimited messages.

Get started today